MobSF Broadcast Receiver Issue

Started 2 months ago by Dhanasekar in React Native

Permission: [android:exported=true] A Broadcast Receiver is found to be shared with other apps on the device t...


Permission: [android:exported=true]
A Broadcast Receiver is found to be shared with other apps on the device therefore
leaving it accessible to any other application on the device.
It is protected by a permission which is not defined in the analysed application.
As a result, the protection level of the permission should be checked where it is
defined. If it is set to normal or dangerous, a malicious application can request
and obtain the permission and interact with the component. If it is set to signature,
only applications signed with the same certificate can obtain the permission.

1 Replies

  • Replied 2 months ago


    Just add this code in AndroidManifest.xml



            android:protectionLevel="signature" />




        <!-- Intent filters and other configurations -->
