Frequently asked questions (React Native)

Please review frequently asked questions, if you cannot find the answer you are looking for? Reach out to our support team by opening forum thread.

1. What is difference between react and React Native?

The primary difference between React and React Native lies in their application domains:

  1. React:

    • Platform: React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces for web applications.
    • Rendering: It renders components in the DOM (Document Object Model) for web browsers.
    • Components: React components are designed for web-based UI elements.
  2. React Native:

    • Platform: React Native is a framework used for building mobile applications, specifically for iOS and Android platforms.
    • Rendering: It renders components using native APIs, creating a native user interface for mobile devices.
    • Components: React Native components are designed for mobile app UI elements and utilize native components.
2. What is React Native used for?

React Native simplifies mobile app development by using JavaScript and React. It's renowned for:

  1. Cross-Platform Ease: One codebase for iOS and Android, reducing development time.

  2. Code Reusability: Efficient reuse of code across platforms, saving time and effort.

  3. Native Performance: High-performing apps with a native look, thanks to compilation to native code.

  4. Hot Reloading: Immediate code change effects for faster and efficient iteration.

  5. Thriving Community: A large and active community provides robust support and a wealth of tools.

  6. Cost Efficiency: Building apps with React Native is cost-effective compared to managing separate codebases.

  7. User-Friendly Learning: Familiar concepts and syntax for React web developers, ensuring quick learning.

  8. Native Module Integration: Flexibility to integrate native modules in Swift, Objective-C, or Java.

  9. Proven Success: React Native is trusted by major apps like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and Uber.