received value must be a React Element.

Started 5 months ago by Dhanasekar in React Native

should render primary variant with white color expect(received).toHaveStyle() received value must be a React...


 should render primary variant with white color


    received value must be a React Element.
    Received has value: null

      365 |             </ThemeProvider>
      366 |         );
    > 367 |         expect(queryByTestId('Button Label')).toHaveStyle({ color: 'white' });
          |                                               ^
      368 |     });
      369 |
      370 |

      at __EXTERNAL_MATCHER_TRAP__ (node_modules/expect/build/index.js:325:30)
      at Object.throwingMatcher [as toHaveStyle] (node_modules/expect/build/index.js:326:15)
      at Object.toHaveStyle (__tests__/screen.test.tsx:367:47)
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