Knowledge Base (Advanced Level Coding Questions and Answers)

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1. Write a function in React that converts a given string?

Input: "aaabbcccdd" Output: "3a2b3c2d"

// Solution 1:
function compressString(input) {
  let result = '';
  let count = 1;

  for (let i = 1; i <= input.length; i++) {
    if (input[i] === input[i - 1]) {
    } else {
      result += count + input[i - 1];
      count = 1;

  return result;

const inputString = "aaabbcccdd";
const compressedString = compressString(inputString);
console.log(compressedString); // Output: "3a2b3c2d"


// Solution 2:
import React from 'react';

class StringCompressor extends React.Component {
  compressString(input) {
    let compressedString = '';
    let count = 1;

    for (let i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
      if (input[i] === input[i - 1]) {
      } else {
        compressedString += count + input[i - 1];
        count = 1;

    // Handle the last set of consecutive characters
    compressedString += count + input[input.length - 1];

    return compressedString;

  render() {
    const inputString = 'aaabbcccdd';
    const compressedString = this.compressString(inputString);

    return (
        Input: {inputString}
        <br />
        Output: {compressedString}

export default StringCompressor;